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2022 HASTI Program Proposals

  • February 13, 2022
  • February 15, 2022
  • Marriott East - Indianapolis, Indiana


  • Active and Retired Teachers/Educators (and co-presenters) are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on the presenter's individual work and not offer any endorsements to specific products or services available on the market. NOTE: If your email is associated with a non-profit (.org) or a business (.com) you will need to register under the appropriate category! Do not register in this category.
  • Exhibitor workshops provide an opportunity for exhibiting companies to promote and/or sell product and/or service. Such workshops are available only to those organizations that exhibit at the conference. Submit a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration.
  • Non-profit Organizations and Government Agencies are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on resources that are freely available and do not have any fee attached for participants to be able to fully utilize said resource.
    Proposals focused on offering product(s) for sale, paid training or professional learning opportunities, supplements, or additional resources for a fee will need to be submitted as an Exhibitor Workshop
  • Science Consultants are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on the presenter's individual work and not promote the use of consultant's service or any fee-based materials.

The Golden Age of Science Education 

50th Anniversary - HASTI State Conference

February 13 - 15, 2022

                           Conference Chair:  Kristen Poindexter

Submit a program/workshop proposal for the 2022 HASTI Annual Conference, February , 2022 at the Marriott - Indianapolis East  Conference Center.  The theme of the conference is: The Golden Age of Science Education.

This year's strands include:


  1. Culturally responsive teaching: Being responsive to the needs of all learners

  2. Connected to the “core” learning experiences: Connecting learning experiences to the NGSS Core Ideas

  3. Grounding Practice in Research: What does research tell us about our current practices?

  4. Applying knowledge in context: Taking what we know and applying it other places

  5. Sense Making & Argumentation: Using argumentation in our practice to help students develop sense making

New guidelines have been established for session proposals.  Read carefully the descriptions provided to determine what category to submit proposals.  Each presenter is limited to submitting a maximum of two  proposals.  

Active and Retired Teachers/Educators:

Active and Retired teachers/educators (and co-presenters) are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration.  Proposals should focus on the presenter's individual work and not offer any endorsements to specific products or services available on the market.

Nonprofit Organizations or Government Agencies:

Nonprofit Organizations and Government Agencies are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on resources that are freely available and do not have any fee attached for participants to be able to fully utilize said resources.

Presentations focused on offering product(s) for sale, paid training or professional learning opportunities, supplements, or additional resources for a fee will need to be submitted as an Exhibitor Workshop.

Commercial Organizations

Commercial Organizations are invited to present via the Exhibitor Workshop option. To be eligible, companies must have an exhibit booth for the respective conference. Exhibitor workshops are guaranteed to be scheduled provided they meet acceptable standards of taste and NSTA Safety Guidelines.  Commercial Organizations need to register as an Exhibitor.  

Science Consultants

Science Consultants are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on the presenter's individual work and not promote use of consultant’s service or any fee-based materials.

Deadline for submission is:  October 1, 2021.  Any proposal submitted after October 1 will be placed on a wait list.

This year's program manager is Dawn Bick.  (


"The Hoosier Association of Science Teachers , Inc" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

P.O. Box 383, New Albany, IN  47151



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