"Embracing the Future Together"
HASTI State Conference
February 15- 17, 2025
HASTI Conference Chair: Craig Williams
Submit a program/workshop proposal for the 2025 HASTI Annual Conference, February 15-17, 2025
at Noblesville High School, Noblesville, IN.
This year's strands include:
A. The Cross Curricular Classroom of the Future The cross curricular classroom of the future is one where students are encouraged to be curious about their world, make connections between their experiences and what they are studying, and use their creativity and critical thinking to solve problems. This strand explores what this looks like specifically in the science classroom. We are looking for teachers who have found real world problems or situations that have hooked their students into engaging, meaningful learning.
B. The Future of Science Teaching Across Indiana, qualified science teachers are becoming an endangered species. In this strand, we will focus on the future of science instruction as we consider all of the ways in which we can support and train educators Topics include classroom management and SEL strategies, pre-service science teacher preparation, technology literacy, collaborating with others through today's technological advances, and ways to become a mentor to the next generation of science instructors. Consider sharing your acquired knowledge and skills in this forward-thinking strand as we reflect on the future of science teaching.
C. The Future of STEM Teaching In our world today, the one thing that is constant is change. It is hard enough to keep up with updates to your computer. How are teachers supposed to keep up with all the technological changes and train students for the technologies and jobs of the future? This strand focuses on all things STEM related, from exposing students to STEM careers, creating PBL units based on STEM, and how STEM can help students learn transferable success skills.
D. The Future of Literacy and Science Teaching The push for literacy and the science of reading has been big news in Indiana, with impacts to many educators and requirements for maintaining their teaching license. In this strand, we look at how reading and literacy intersects with science teaching. We are looking for presenters who have successfully used reading to help their students learn science, or those who have been successful in using science to help motivate their students to become more avid readers.
E. The Future of Sustainability in Science Classrooms As we prepare our students for the world of the future, it is crucial for students to learn about the environment and our impact on it. Conversely, learning about how they can help create a cleaner, greener future can help students appreciate the importance of learning about the science behind it all. This strand will explore connections between the Indiana science standards and learning about the environment, new sustainable technologies, and our students’ abilities to help create positive changes in their school, community, and world.
New guidelines have been established for session proposals. Read carefully the descriptions provided to determine what category to submit proposals. Each presenter is limited to submitting a maximum of two proposals.
Active and Retired Teachers/Educators:
Active and Retired teachers/educators (and co-presenters) are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on the presenter's individual work and not offer any endorsements to specific products or services available on the market.
Nonprofit Organizations or Government Agencies:
Nonprofit Organizations and Government Agencies are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on resources that are freely available and do not have any fee attached for participants to be able to fully utilize said resources.
Presentations focused on offering product(s) for sale, paid training or professional learning opportunities, supplements, or additional resources for a fee will need to be submitted as an Exhibitor Workshop.
Commercial Organizations
Commercial Organizations are invited to present via the Exhibitor Workshop option. To be eligible, companies must have an exhibit booth for the respective conference. Exhibitor workshops are guaranteed to be scheduled provided they meet acceptable standards of taste and NSTA Safety Guidelines. Commercial Organizations need to register as an Exhibitor.
Science Consultants
Science Consultants are invited to submit up to a maximum of two (2) proposals for consideration. Proposals should focus on the presenter's individual work and not promote use of consultant’s service or any fee-based materials.
Types of Presentations
Related Paper/Presentation Sessions
In a related paper or presentation session, presenters will have 10 minutes to share their work or research along with 2 other presenters that have completed work that is in a similar vein or conference strand. Each presenter will have 10 minutes to share their work or research with the last 15 minutes reserved for questions from the audience.
Deadline for submission is: Sept 19, 2024. Any proposal submitted after will be placed on a wait list.
This year's program manager is Craig Williams