We invite you to join us for the ninth annual Indiana STEM Education Conference! The conference will be in person on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at Purdue University. The theme for the 2024 conference is “Resourcing STEM Education.”
The conference will include:
- Special keynote speaker Phil Cook
- Mr. Cook has taught for over 20 years at Culver Academy. Following a suggestion from one of his students, Phil posted one of his class demonstrations on TikTok. The video went viral, and @ChemTeacherPhil now has over 3 million online followers. Mr. Cook will discuss his passion for education, his rise in Internet fame, and the importance of online resources and demonstrations for STEM education.
- Over 50 presentations on STEM curriculum, instruction, careers, and research
- Networking with STEM education sponsors including 1st Maker Space, Activate Learning, Amplify, CATALYST, and STEM Education Works
- A resource webpage with presentation slides, presentation handouts, sponsor handouts, and research posters
- Professional Growth Points for Teachers
Visit the conference webpage to learn more: https://www.education.purdue.edu/catalyst/catalyst-programs/indiana-stem-ed-conference/
Interested in presenting at the conference? Have a research poster or research brief to share? Proposals can be submitted at https://forms.gle/3iorMgVusFzXtUzr8. Research posters and briefs will be published as proceedings through Purdue e-Pubs. Proposals are due on October 13, 2023.
Registration will open in October. A link to register will be sent at that time.
Bill Walker, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Programs and Partnerships, CATALYST